1 March 2018

Do not panic folks...
World Book Day has been rescheduled to next Thursday (8th March) with the same activities and agenda as originally planned for today. Children are still to come dressed as their favourite book character, with a £1 donation and we will award prizes to the best dressed from each class. Also, the winners of the mighty popular 'Reading In Obscure Places Competition' will be announced and all entries will be shared in a special extended assembly to celebrate reading.
Pupils will also have year group photographs, study authors and participate in a special game of 'Guess Who' where they will play detective to work-out who staff have came dressed as. Pictures of the event will be shared throughout the day and we will (hopefully) be live on BBC Radio Cumbria.
We are now very excited for next Thursday!
Happy Snow Day!
Mr Gale and Miss Edminson.