Mental Health and Well-being

Fairfield Primary School promotes and supports the social, emotional and mental well-being of children and families in many ways.

Mental health and well-being is a high priority for Fairfield and, as well as offering a Nurture Group and 1:1 pastoral support, we also benefit from staff members trained in mental health first aid. The KidSafe message (see below) is delivered to all children and the Pastoral Team work closely with the PSHE lead and SENDCo to ensure all pupils receive an age-appropriate education to develop their resilience and well-being. The Pastoral Team meet half-termly to discuss the progress of the children in receipt of the intervention and to review our practice and procedures.

Stonewall Champions

As a school, we believe in equality for people of all gender identities, races, religious beliefs and disabilities. As a Stonewall School Champion member, which we have been for several years, we are able to access resources that promote diversity, focusing on the key concept that all families are different, but all are accepted within the school community. These resources refer to multi-generational families, families living with illness and disability, families from different faith communities as well as families with same-sex parents.

Positive Mental Health: Videos from Staff

Diet & Healthy Eating: Mrs. Pammenton 

Exercise: Miss. Benson

Sleep: Mr. Gale

Mindfulness: Mrs. Sloan


Kidsafe is a preventative programme designed to help children keep themselves safe. It tackles a variety of dangerous or difficult situations children may encounter, from troubles with friendships to online safety. It is delivered in a child friendly, age appropriate way. There is a core message running through the sessions consisting of three steps:

  1. Say ‘No’
  2. Walk away
  3. Tell a trusted adult

All children are reminded of this message throughout their time at Fairfield and are regularly prompted to think about who their trusted adults are, both at home and at school.

Useful links

Pastoral Care

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