3 May 2018

Image of Mini Police launched at Fairfield Primary...

On Monday, Mr Steele introduced the Mini Police programme to the children. We have been selected to join this exciting youth engagement project for children aged 9-11 year by Cumbria Constabulary. The programme gives children a chance to learn lots of new things about and with the police, they get to be more involved in the Community and have fun!

The programme involves the whole school, but 20 children are to be chosen to join the Mini Police team. In order to make our selection, all children in Y4 and Y5 have been asked to write a letter to Mr Steele explaining why they want to join the Mini Police.

What will this all involve, 3 engagements per term with the designated officer(s), school will set up a weekly Mini Police After School Club to reinforce the engagement process and community ownership, we will have a Mini Police Notice Board in a prominent place within the school which will show the younger children what the Mini Police do so creating aspirations and visitors will be able to see the work of the Mini Police within the community. Successful Mini Police candidates also get their own uniform.

It's all very interesting and exciting - a great learning opportunity.

All letters to Mr Steele need to be in by Friday 4th May 2018.

Tags: British Values Community mini police