9 February 2022

Our Reception and Year 4 children have enjoyed some very special enrichment activities this week linked to their learning.
As part of their topic 'People Who Help Us', Reception have visited the fire station, where they got to try on protective clothing, test equipment, see the engines up close and even spray the hoses! Today, a police car and two officers visited one of our playgrounds, much to the excitement of our fabulous children who were thrilled to have the opportunity to sit in the car, hear the sirens and see the equipment... No arrests were made! In both visits, children learnt about how to keep themselves safe and the important work our emergency services do, which links to our Safeguarding and PSHE Curriculums.
Meanwhile, Year 4 have enjoyed a visit to Tullie House where they have learnt lots about the way of life in Ancient Egypt, which is their History topic of study this half-term. The children particularly enjoyed handling some artefacts and having a go at mummifying ‘Tutantullie!’ What a fantastic way to conclude a thrilling, History topic.
A HUGE, Fairfield thank-you to Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust, Cumbria Police and Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service.