13 March 2022

Forget Dragon's Den, it's the Friendly Frogs you need! Our Nursery children have opened two businesses this week as part of their continuous play: a Flower Shop and Milkshake Cafe. The children have been counting, writing orders, organising stock and using their personal and social skills.
In Reception, Doctor Joe (a GP) visited the children informing them all about the important work he does and the equipment he uses. The children asked lots of questions and learnt how to keep themselves safe and healthy, which links to our Safeguarding Curriculum.
Meanwhile, in Key Stage 1, Year 1 have been making shelters as part of their DT topic and as part of their Science learning, they investigated whether or not it was possible to blow different shapes of bubbles! Naturally, they had lots of fun creating a hypothesis and carrying out the experiment. Meanwhile, in Year 2, a love of Music was in the air with children learning the 'Friendship Song' using glockenspiels.
Up in Key Stage 2, Year 3 have had fun creating branching databases in Computing, exploring camouflaging creatures in Science and working collaboratively in PE to guide a friend around a course blindfolded, which links to their Orienteering topic of study. In Year 4, it's been all eyes to the sky with children continuing to form their cloud diaries as part of their Geography learning. 5IB have enjoyed yet another Friday of forest fun today constructing shelters and Year 5 have produced impressive Umberto Boccioni inspired models in Art. Finally, our fabulous Year 6 children are thoroughly enjoyed their current text of study, Goodnight Mister Tom, which links perfectly to their History topic: World War 2.
What an incredibly busy week; we hope you enjoy a restful weekend.