2 May 2022

What a fantastic start to the summer term...
The Friendly Frogs, in Nursery, have been busy in phonics making ‘Silly Soup' and some lucky friends have been enjoying a visit from Kofi the monkey who brings them interesting problems to solve. In Science, Nursery have been sowing some more carrot seeds and checking how their potatoes are growing. This week also marked the grand opening of the Friendly Frogs' Investigation Station!
Reception have been on a trip this week. Everyone climbed to the top of Binsey, showing determination and enthusiasm all the way up! The children sketched the view of Bassenthwaite, Skiddaw and round to Overwater. It was a fantastic morning for all our wonderful Reception children.
Meanwhile, in Key Stage 1, Year 1 have been presenting news reports conveying important facts they've learnt about the Titanic as part of their History topic. Year 2 have started their new ‘Plants’ topic in Science. They have been looking at seed dispersal and the different ways seeds can be dispersed. The children made a flat seed to see how they travel. They then took them outside at playtime to see how they move through the wind. Linked to this, as part of their Art study on ‘The Beauty of Flowers’ focusing on the artist Georgia O’Keeffe, pupils have looked closely at different flowers and described these in detail before accurately drawing some flowers in their sketch book.
Up in Key Stage 2, in active Maths, Year 3 have been making 2D shapes from natural resources in the school grounds. In PE this half-term, Year 3 are focusing on athletics. In this week's session, they developed their long jump and triple jump techniques with a specialist coach. Sticking with the theme of outdoor learning, Year 3 also took part of their History lesson outside to learn about the different battles during the Tudor dynasty. They mainly focused on the Battle of Bosworth. The children re-enacted the battle: the Yorkists and the Lancastrians had an amazing time learning about this famous battle! In Year 4, in Art this week, pupils have been learning about the use of colour in Impressionist art. The Impressionists were known for using colour to express light, times of day, weather and seasons. Pupils have recapped learning about primary, secondary, complementary, warm and cool colours. The children have had a go at creating a painting that captures the light, season and draws your eye to the focal point of the scene... Stockley Bridge, here in the Lake District, in autumn. They are still works in progress as this week's lesson was a skills development session, with an emphasis on colour mixing. Yesterday, in Year 4's Science session, they made a model of the digestive system to further extend their learning on identifying the main parts of the digestive system and describing their functions. A lot of messy, memorable, fun learning took place! In Year 5, as well as exciting trips to The Centre of Life (in Newcastle) and Cockermouth School this week, pupils have enjoyed taking part in a Commonwealth Games Escape Room activity as part of their PE. Finally, in Year 6, pupils have been producing paintings in the style of Roy Lichtenstein, their artist of study this half-term. Year 6 have also started their new Computing topic, Creating Media-3D Modelling. The children have had lots of fun creating a house on their workplane. They have been putting their super Computing skills to the test and as you can see from the photographs, the children have created some fabulous work. Year 6 have also taken part in an Orienteering event in Workington, where they represented our school perfectly.
What an incredibly busy week of fabulous learning. Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing all of the children on Tuesday morning.