15 January 2023

As well as our fabulous Wraparound Care, which is extremely popular with children and families, we are incredibly proud of our wide and varied, after-school, extra curricular enrichment offer, whereby children have the opportunity to participate in a variety of different sports and games, including: football, rugby, orienteering, karate, cross-country, multi-skills, cricket, athletics and more!
As well as sports, we offer a variety of different after-school, curriculum clubs too. The photographs below show our talented pupils engaging in DT Club, Art Club, Journalism Club, Latin Club, Choir, Eco-Council and French Club, which have all started again this week. As the year progresses, subjects such as Maths, STEM and Science will also feature, amongst others.
The school never quietens down at 3.20pm, which is just the way we like it!