12 February 2023

Curriculum Celebration: Year 6
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be celebrating the fabulous learning that has been happening so far in the Spring Term, within each year group. This evening, we spotlight Year 6.
In English lessons, Year 6 have started their new text of focus- 'Macbeth', which is proving as popular as ever! The children have been inspired by their Shakespearean play of study and have produced incredible setting and character descriptions using a range of figurative language techniques, to describe the heath and the three witches. The children are gripped! As part of National Storytelling Week, some of our Year 6 children had the opportunity to enjoy a book with a Reception buddy today! Once again, we were so proud of the children for showing maturity and empathy while working with our younger learners.
In Spoken Language, a fortnight ago, we launched a brand new, whole-school initiative focused on 'word of the week' across the school. So far, Year 6's words have included 'controversy' and 'palpable'. The pupils have enjoyed finding out the meaning of the word in the dictionary; using a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms and practising spelling these tricky words using pyramid spelling techniques and other creative ways!
Meanwhile, in Maths, Year 6 have been working hard on consolidating key arithmetic skills, including fractions, and then applying these skills to both reasoning and problem solving questions.
In Science, Year 6 launched their new topic in unique style by devising their very own branching keys to classify Liquorice All Sorts. This was a challenging task which really hooked the children into their new topic of study 'Classification'. In a recent lesson, the children have enjoyed classifying plants and animals in our school grounds. They then made both classification cards and keys once back in the classroom. As part of their study, the children have been busy compiling information pages, through extensive research, all about their scientist of study, Carl Linnaeus. I am sure you will agree, the finished pages are very impressive.
In History, tales of battle, blood and gore have hooked the children on their new topic of study, 'The Vikings'. So far, the children have been particularly engrossed when learning about the Viking raid at Lindisfarne in 793AD. From this learning, the children have produced some very impressive Viking diary entries based on the event.
In PE, the children have been working hard on revising the key skills involved in the popular sport of rugby- their topic of focus for this half-term. As part of this, they have enjoyed sessions with specialist coaches and inter-class competitions. Last week, the children had a great afternoon up at Cockermouth School, putting their fantastic rugby skills into practice in a specialist skills session.
In Art, our talented Year 6s enjoyed finishing their art topic, 'The Art of Anatomy' with some printing, which builds on their previously taught skills. Last week, the children moved on to their Design and Technology topic, 'Viking Embroidery', which is their textile topic for this year.
Additionally, In PSHE, the children have been studying influences and attitudes to money alongside money and financial risks. As part of this, fascinating conversations have taken place based on what do we WANT and what do we NEED, suffice to say there were some heated debates! In one session, the children worked collaboratively, trying to put household expenses in order from most expensive to least expensive- there was lots of lively discussion! To compliment their learning around finances and saving in PSHE, Year 6 have been doing a spot of holiday planning. They have been busy finding flights, hotels, hire cars and activities for a dream family holiday- on a budget!
In Computing, Year 6 have been studying websites and started this gripping unit of work, by reviewing existing websites, considering their structure and evaluating their content. They have recently started to incorporate some of their favourite aspects of their reviewed website, into their very own website creations, which so far, are extremely professional and of a high-quality.
Linked to both PSHE and Computing, at the start of the half-term, Cumbria Constabulary came into school to talk to our Year 6 children about Online Safety. It was very informative and made the children mindful about their time online.
These are just some of the many highlights of Year 6's learning so far this half-term. We are incredibly proud of how Year 6 are progressing in all subjects and for their dedication to being true role models to our younger pupils.
Well done Team Year 6!