23 April 2023

Part of our Design & Technology intent statement outlines that "...projects are planned with a cross curricular focus to enhance the learning of other subjects, whenever possible and appropriate. Children will develop skills progressively in all aspects of the subject, including: food technology, woodwork, sewing, moving mechanisms and more."
Here are some examples of our intention in action this week...
Year 2 completed their D&T topic on vehicles on Friday making Royal carriages. The children found threading the axles through and thinking of the size of the carriages simultaneously quite tricky and had to problem solve; it was fabulous when they came up with a solution when attaching the wheels- their finished products are fit for the Coronation and this links to their current History topic on Queen Elizabeth II.
Meanwhile, in Year 3, the children are progressing well with their volcano applique topic, which links to their Geography topic on 'Restless Earth'. The children have studied Sandra Goldsborough, taking inspiration from her work and have learnt the skills of quilting, threading a needle, basic stitching and will move on to add both blanket and cross stitching to their pieces. They have layered their fabric to create effect and texture.
In Year 4, the children have been busy preparing their fruit and vegetables before tasting later on. They’ve learnt the chopping techniques of the bridge hold and claw grip - definitely some Michelin star chefs in the making! This healthy foods topic links to their Science learning on digestion.
Design & Technology is a very popular lesson on the children’s weekly timetable...
"Design, Make, Evaluate!"