1 May 2023

Super Science...
Since returning after Easter, there's been lots of fabulous Science work taking place across the school. Science is a very popular subject at Fairfield and we are incredibly proud of our fabulous Science Curriculum and the associated subject enrichment.
In Nursery, we are so proud of our Friendly Frogs. Look at this wonderful Hungry Caterpillar display with all of the AMAZING writing and their understanding of healthy eating. This also links to their Mini-Beasts topic.
In Reception, the children have enjoyed exploring their Science Lab as part of their continuous provision and have learnt lots about worms as part of their learning.
In Key Stage 1, Year 1 have been exploring the human senses and Year 2 have been busy exploring forces.
Meanwhile in Key Stage 2, Year 3 have completed a CREST activity, creating a discus, linked to knowledge on materials and forces. Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed exploring sounds, what causes them and how they travel.
In Upper Key Stage 2, Year 5 have been using bunsen burners and investigating 'Magical Science' as part of a recent visit to Cockermouth School and in the classroom, they've been exploring the parts of a plant. Finally, Year 6 have begun looking at Charles Darwin and as part of this, completed an investigation into the ‘Springbeak’ finches on ‘Clippy Island’ to help them to understand how certain beaks are adapted to certain food sources and how adaptation helps a species thrive.