11 September 2023

Tensions were high on Friday morning in a nail-biting place value game in Year 6. The children could choose whether to keep their roll or pass it to their opponent in a bid to create the largest possible number. They then calculated the difference and used ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’ symbols to consolidate their recent learning. Year 6 have made a fantastic start to their Maths learning, covering key concepts linked to place value.
Meanwhile, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their first PE lesson, which was based on recapping the key skills and rules involved in their sport of study this half-term, Netball.
Our Year 6s are also four chapters into their gripping text of study, Skellig. So far, they have enjoyed several reading based lessons involving predicting, studying objects to consider the potential themes of the text and carrying-out early character analysis. The children have also made a superb start to both their Science and PSHE topics too.
Awesome work Year 6.