31 January 2018

Image of Maths in Motion - The big race!

Each Monday a group of year 6 children take part in the Jaguar Maths in Motion project. They develop a cloud based racing car and calculate the fastest, but safest, speeds they can navigate round a series of world renowned racing tracks, taking into account a tricky range of straights, bends and special features. The children also have to navigate a range of weather conditions selecting appropriate tyres, the correct number of pit stops and the correct amount of fuel to complete the race while not over-fuelling and adding unnecessary weight! It involves a huge amount of maths while being tremendous fun.

It is always very exciting when we get on the track and we have got better and better each week! It is a worldwide competition with official races against other schools and countries beginning in March, watch this space!

Maths in motion

Tags: Science Maths Maths in motion Numeracy