5 March 2022

Image of A Fabulous Week!

Our fabulous children have had a wonderful week of learning.

In EYFS, The Friendly Frogs were busy exploring the school grounds for signs of Spring with Reception pupils refining their number bonds in very creative ways!

In Key Stage 1, Year 1 have been busy measuring the weight of different classroom objects using a balancing scale. Meanwhile, Active Maths has also been the theme in Year 2 this week, with children completing a 3D shape 'who am I?' hunt in our beautiful school grounds. As part of their History topic on our Queen, Year 2 reenacted her coronation, learning about the importance of this significant event in History.

In Key Stage 2, Year 3 have been developing their understanding of Branching Databases in Computing by sorting different objects according to their attributes and creating 'yes' /'no' questions. In Drama, Year 3 have been freeze-framing a scene from their text of study, Ice Palace, in order to consider the protagonist's thoughts and feelings. Meanwhile, in Year 4, children are watching the sky and creating cloud diaries as part of their Geography learning. Linked to this, in Computing, they've been developing their photographic composition skills by producing stunning, edited photograph displays showcasing different clouds. They've also been learning about Fairtrade, as part of our whole-school 'Fairtrade Fortnight' with a focus on Global Poverty and the UN's Right of a Child. In Year 5, 5IB have enjoyed another session in the forest with their friends exploring the great outdoors. Inside the classroom, pupils have been creating sculptures inspired by the work of Umberto Boccioni as part of their Art and Design study. Finally, in Year 6, Art has also been a firm favourite, with children producing the famous 'soup can' painting inspired by Andy Warhol. Pop Art is proving to be very popular in Year 6 with outstanding work being produced.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Tags: Forest School Year 5 Year 6 Year 2 EYFS Outdoors Year 3 Year 4 Geography computing Drama Reception Nursery Maths History Year 1 KS2 Art KS1 PSHE writing