15 May 2022

In EYFS this week, Nursery have had marvellous Maths mornings, where our Friendly Frogs have been perfecting their 1:1 counting skills, matching quantity to numeral and even writing numbers accurately! In Reception, children have been studying the life cycle of the butterfly and as part of this, produced beautiful, symmetrical paintings as well as becoming scientists and studying mini-beasts up close!
In Year 1, as part of their English work, the children have been working towards writing a non-fiction text. In preparation, they have been gathering lots of facts about sea animals. As well as this, all of the children have listened to The Rainbow Fish story during their PSHE lesson this week. They discussed the qualities of a good friend, like the Rainbow Fish, and created their own special fish. These look amazing displayed in the classrooms! Yesterday, 1RE had a fabulous forest day as they enjoyed yet more wonderful activities at Forest School... a highlight was toasting marshmallows around the campfire. Year 2 made the most of the sunshine earlier this week to enjoy football skill sessions as part of their PE. All the children showed excellent determination and teamwork skills during the engaging session.
In Key Stage 2, Year 3 have enjoyed fast paced active Maths lessons, generating division calculations-there was lots of healthy competition to complete the challenging arithmetic problems. It was Year 3's turn this week to participate in the Commonwealth Escape Room session, as part of their PE learning- the smiles show the sheer enjoyment! Staying with the PE theme, Year 4 had a fabulous time at our sports field practising their throwing and catching skills before a game of scatter ball! They were joined by a teacher from Cockermouth School for the exciting session. In Year 5, active Maths has been in action with pupils working collaboratively to match up equivalent fractions... they are becoming experts at this skill! In Science this week, Year 5 worked really hard to produce diagrams of life cycles of various animals. They had to conduct lots of interesting research to compile their diagrams.
Our fabulous Year 6s completed their SATs this week. We are so proud of each and every child. Naturally, there was only one way to conclude SATs week... with an awesome party!
Finally, congratulations to 3ET who were crowned our Class Dojo Champions last week as part of our new rewards scheme in school.
Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing all of the children on Monday.