21 May 2022

An afternoon of fantastic sport...
Today, all the children in Year 3 and ten Year 6 pupils, took part in the Cockermouth Cluster cross-country competition, at Cockermouth School. They all did amazingly well, showing great perseverance and determination. Fairfield won three out of the four races, making us the overall festival winners- a fabulous afternoon!
Meanwhile, what started as a Year 5/6 programme has now evolved to include Key Stage 1 due to the use of brilliant Year 5 Sport Leaders. Our Year 1 children enjoyed their Commonwealth Games Escape Room and our Year 5s were fantastic coaches.
We were also very fortunate to receive fourteen entries to the Keswick Mountain Festival Duathlon event at Fitz Park, Keswick. This consisted of an obstacle course, a 1K bike ride, and finished with a 400m run! The Year 2 children, who were lucky enough to attend this afternoon, were absolutely terrific. They showed incredible speed, endurance and resilience!
You all did Fairfield proud.