5 June 2022

We had a truly AMAZING time celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a full week of wonderful events.
Tuesday 24th May: Generations Together
We started our Jubilee celebrations in true Fairfield style with Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 enjoying our 'Generations Together Event' .
We had an amazing turn out at each of the four events and all children and relatives enjoyed reading together, sharing/celebrating the children's work and looking at our fantastic school archive display. Our Jubilee 'photo booth' was also popular!
Wednesday 25th May: Generations Together
On this day, we hosted our 'Generations Together' event for our Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils.
With queues as far back as Gallowbarrow this morning, we had lots of excited children and relatives.
We hope you all had a wonderful time!
Thursday 26th May: Art through 70 years
Over 1000+ visitors...
Our incredible art gallery showcasing the children's amazing work celebrating the jubilee.
Each year group focused on a decade from the Queen's seventy year reign and created artwork inspired by historical events and artistic styles from that decade.
Our wonderful school archive was also on display again for all to enjoy.
Friday 27th May: A Royal Celebration
On Friday, the whole school were dressed for the occasion in red/white/blue, as their favourite Royal or significant British figure from the past 70 years. All children also enjoyed a visit to our fabulous art gallery in the morning before participating in a special History lesson celebrating the Queen as a significant figure.
We hope everyone enjoyed our Jubilee celebrations.