12 June 2022

What a great start to the final half-term of the academic year!
In Nursery, the Friendly Frogs' new story is Handa’s Surprise. They had great fun acting out the story, painting beautiful African sunsets and animals and producing fantastic writing... they are ready for Reception! In Reception this week, the children have been busy planting 'magic beans' and observing changes. They've also enjoyed special stories by mystery readers!
Meanwhile, it's been a hive of activity in Year 1 this week. They launched their new Design & Technology topic ‘Food and Nutrition’, where they enjoyed chopping and tasting the colours of the rainbow. As well as this, Year 1 have experienced an exciting start to their new History topic all about Neil Armstrong. On Wednesday, the children arrived into school ready to board their spacecraft to the moon... They learnt about Neil Armstrong and watched footage of the famous landing! They even created flags to leave on the moon and all stepped in special moon dust to leave their footprint- just like Apollo 11! In Year 2, the children have been developing their long and triple jump techniques as part of their athletics topic in PE. In Art, Year 2 have created some beautiful flowers using watercolours as part of their topic of study.
In Key Stage 2, in Year 3, the children have been looking at the roots of a plant. They planted broad beans to see how roots grow over time. This forms part of the learning in their new topic on 'Plants', in Science. In Year 4, in Music this week, pupils have performed the song ‘Blackbird’ by the Beatles. They also had a go at playing along with the glockenspiels! In Art, Year 4 have been using the techniques they've learnt through their study of impressionist artists. Cross-hatching, broken colour, impasto and stippling were all used to create their work inspired by Shiela Fell, who the children learnt about during their recent visit to a local Art Gallery. In Year 5, the children enjoyed guessing who was who when looking at baby photos of their peers in Science; this activity helped them learn about human development. Finally, Year 6 have had "the best week ever!" on their residential where lots of very special memories were made and fun was had.
We will see you all bright and early tomorrow ready for another week of fabulous learning.