19 June 2022

Another week of yet more fabulous learning-we made use of the sunshine this week too!
There was exciting news in the Friendly Frogs' classroom (Nursery) this week, as they had managed to grow four beautiful butterflies. The children looked after them before releasing them into the wild in our nature garden. Linked to their text of study, 'Handa’s Surprise', the children have enjoyed their focused activity of making their very own Handa doll. During discussions, the children learned how we are all different, diverse and that's what makes us unique. This forms part of our PSHE curriculum. In Reception, the children have been acting out parts of their story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. The children did a super job and worked really hard - future actors in the making! In Maths, Reception have been building castles, where they had to use and name the different 3D shapes; lots of new mathematical vocabulary was learnt and applied.
In Key Stage 1, Year 1 had a wonderful, final full day in the forest as part of our Forest School programme. What is better than learning with friends in the great outdoors? Earlier in the week, lots of money was hidden around the school grounds as Year 1 took part in a money hunt, as part of the topic learning about British coins and notes. They then applied their learning to solve problems later in the week. In Year 2, as part of their Australia Topic in Geography, the children have been learning about the Sydney Harbour Bridge. They have learned key facts, drawn a design and made the bridge as part of Design and Technology. In Science, Year 2 have enjoyed sampling different foods (proteins, vegetables and dairy) to experiment on the best combinations to make their very own balanced sandwich/wrap.
In Key Stage 2, Year 3 have been acting out scenes from their text of study, 'The Minpins' in Drama. Our fabulous Year 3 children also enjoyed a very active and fun residential in the heart of the Lake District at the beginning of the week. Year 4 have also been out in the Lake District and have thoroughly enjoyed canoeing sessions as part of their PE curriculum. The children have also been out in the school grounds completing lots of active Maths activities as well as using the data loggers in Computing to record data on sound, temperature and light before analysing their findings. Inside the classroom, in Art, the children have been studying different cityscapes from the Impressionist, Pissarro, to the Photorealism of Estes and the dizzying aerial art of Yvonne Jacquette! They've already started to produce impressive work in their sketch books. In Geography, Year 4 conducted a very interesting experiment entitled 'Climate Change in a Jar'. They discovered that the jars containing Carbon Dioxide were warmer than the control jar; this has helped them to consider the effects of climate change on the environment. Meanwhile, Year 5 have enjoyed a week of swimming each afternoon, as part of their PE curriculum. The children thoroughly enjoyed their sessions and made excellent progress with this life skill. As part of active Maths sessions, they've been solving complex problems involving addition, subtraction and measure-they demonstrated excellent reasoning and collaboration skills. Finally, Year 6 have been hard at work completing their inspirational speeches for this year's Young Speakers' competition. The quality is once again, very high indeed.
We hope you've all enjoyed a wonderful weekend and are ready for another very busy, fun-filled week ahead.