21 August 2023

Image of SEND Provision: A Celebration

SEND Provision At Fairfield Primary School...

This year, we have been striving to further develop the SEND provision at Fairfield Primary School.

We are firm believers in the golden thread of child centred provision and endeavour to ensure that there is a holistic approach to meeting all pupils’ needs.

Inclusivity is at the the heart of our school and ensuring that pupils have opportunities to access all aspects of the curriculum. We are further developing and up-skilling staff in adapting the curriculum to meet pupils’ needs and focusing on developing enrichment opportunities to support the holistic needs of SEND pupils. We have begun to make links with many local business such as: The Calvert Trust Pool and Stables, Clip and Climb at The Wave Centre, Fusion Trampoline Park as well as small businesses and amenities within our locality.

We are very fortunate to have made strong links with the SEND team and health professionals within the local authority and our aim is to continue to work together, to strengthen the outcomes of SEND pupils, across the school.

Within the academic year, Fairfield Primary School has engaged with Autism Awareness training, Dyslexia training, speech and language therapy training alongside a range of further training, tailored to meet the needs of pupils within our school and develop the expertise of staff and the SENDCo.

Our experienced staff regularly liaise with the school SENDCo, to ensure that they are meeting the needs of pupils identified as SEND. We closely monitor and track pupil progress and alongside this, meet with parents and carers to support and address their concerns.

The SEND provision within our school is continuing to develop and through parent, pupil and staff feedback, we are continuing to monitor, evaluate and enhance our provision to ensure progressive, inclusive practice throughout the school.

We are immensely proud of all the pupils within Fairfield Primary School and their achievements both inside and outside the classroom.