Maths Curriculum Statement

Our vision is that the teaching of Maths gives pupils the understanding and confidence to use and apply their Mathematical knowledge to real life situations. We will inspire them to have a love of Maths through our high-quality teaching, using the local, natural environment to enhance their learning. They will be reflective and resilient learners with enquiring minds, where misconceptions can be explored and learned from. They will be immersed in an environment rich with subject specific vocabulary, which allows pupils to express their ideas fluently and talk about the subject using Mathematical language. Teachers will use a wide range of questioning strategies to allow children to have a deeper understanding of Mathematical concepts and embed their knowledge to become lifelong learners. Our aim is that all pupils will become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics so that they can develop a conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. Through challenge and the embedding of reasoning skills, pupils will be able to apply their knowledge to solve a range of problems with increasing sophistication.

Maths Curriculum Overview

Maths Calculation Policies

Maths: Vocabulary Progression Document

EYFS Maths Overviews

Active Mathematics

Here at Fairfield Primary School, Active Mathematics is a key aspect of our Maths curriculum. Regularly, the children participate in active sessions, often outdoors. This initiative is research-led with a proven impact on raising enjoyment, self-esteem and achievement in the subject. Moreover,it increases levels of physical activity, thus allowing children to meet and exceed government recommendations in a purposeful way and it supports whole child development as it is recognised in developing social skills, teamwork, resilience, determination, and happiness! The pictures below show pupils engaging in Active Maths activities, from Nursery to Year 6:

Active Maths: EYFS & KS1:

Active Maths: KS2:

Times Tables

At Fairfield Primary School, we understand and emphasise the importance of the mental recall of Times Tables facts, in order to apply these across all aspects of Mathematics, as well as being a vital life-long skill. Like all areas of our curriculum, we deliver the teaching of times tables in a fun, creative and engaging manner. In our dedicated daily Times Tables sessions, we teach Times Tables in a variety of ways, including chanting, singing, playing games, including ICT games, as well as more traditional ‘quizzes.’ We also maximise opportunities to utilise our grounds, and have regular ‘tables trails’ and active Times Tables sessions.

All children in Year 4 undertake a statutory assessment, the ‘Multiplication Check.’ This is an online assessment, which takes place during the summer term, and consists of 25 questions. The children are given 6 seconds to answer a question, and all tables facts are assessed, up to 12 x 12. We prepare the children for this, through their daily Times Tables sessions, and giving them regular practise on an online programme which closely matches the assessment which they will undertake. All children have log-ins to ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ so that parents/carers can support their children at home.

Each year, Mrs. Taylor hosts a parent/guardian information evening and workshop in relation to the Multiplication Check. 

Multiplication Check: Parent Information Evening

Our overview for times table teaching:

Year Group

Tables Taught


2,5,10 – counting in multiples of




2,3,4,5,10, 8




Consolidation of all


Consolidation of all


'How to' Videos

The videos are divided into Key Stages and each clip is labelled with the aspect of Mathematics it teaches. If your child is finding a mathematical concept particularly tricky then do not hesitate to inform their class teacher, who will work with the pupil to overcome their difficultly and/or address any misconceptions. Alternatively, you may find our Calculation Policy a useful resource to aid your child and their approach to algorithms. Please click on the link above to download a copy of this helpful policy.

Subject Enrichment

Number Day certainly hit Fairfield! 

What amazing outfits we had across the school. Thank you to all of the children and parents/guardians for your efforts and your generous donations to the NSPCC; the children learnt about the importance of this particular charity during today's lessons and in our special, celebration assembly.

All children (and staff!) enjoyed a day of active Maths activities, many of which took place outdoors- taking advantage of our wonderful school grounds in the Cumbrian sunshine. 

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