What is SMSC?

SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. SMSC is about developing the whole person. As our pupils move through the school, we recognise that the personal development of pupils spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve and also to relate fully to the world in which we live. 

SMSC is supported by our school aims and values. It is developed through our broad and balanced curriculum and enrichment activities, this integrated approach means that SMSC is considered in all aspects of school life.

Pupils’ spiritual development involves the growth of their sense of self, their unique potential, their understanding of their strengths and weakness, and their willingness to achieve.  As their curiosity about themselves and their place in the world increases, they try to answer for themselves some of life’s fundamental questions. 

Spiritual development is when we:

Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; sustain self-esteem and confidence in our learning experiences; use imagination and creativity; develop our emotional health and well-being ; consider, reflect on and celebrate the world around them.

Pupils’ moral development involves them acquiring an understanding of the difference between right and wrong and of moral conflict, a concern for others and the will to do what is right.  They become more aware of the challenge of life today and the role they play in it.

Moral development is when we:

Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; reflect on the consequences of our actions, learn how to forgive oneself and others, which are attitudes we need to make moral, responsible decisions and act on them; gain the confidence to cope with setbacks and learn from mistakes;  investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views; listen and respond appropriately to the views of others; make informed and independent judgements; take initiative and act responsibly with consideration for others; develop a readiness to question/challenge all that would constrain the human spirit: for example, greed, injustice, poverty, lack of aspiration, force, aggression, sexism, racism and other forms of discrimination; show respect for the environment.

Pupils’ social development involves them acquiring an understanding of the responsibilities and rights of being members of families and communities (local, national and global) and an ability to relate to others and to work with others for the common good. 

Social development is when we:

Display a sense of belonging and an increasing willingness to participate; use a range of social skills; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the 'British values' of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance; develop our compassion for others in society; take initiative on wider social issues and establish ways we can help on an individual, local, national and global scale.

We have active Eco and School and Learning Councils whose members are democratically elected by their peers; they listen to each other’s views, gather pupil voice and play an active role in further developing the school. This enables our children to gain insight in the way communities and societies function and experience democracy in action.

Pupils’ cultural development involves them acquiring an understanding of cultural traditions and ability to appreciate and respond to a variety of aesthetic experiences.  They acquire a respect for their own culture and that of others, an interest in others’ ways of doing things and curiosity about differences.

Cultural development is when we:

Develop an understanding of their social and cultural environment; appreciate cultural influences; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

We aim to provide opportunities for our children to form their own identity and a strong sense of place and purpose, giving them the confidence to question and discover who they are in the world and face the exciting challenges that lie ahead.

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