
When pupils enter Year 5, they have the opportunity to apply to become part of the Mini-Police. Children have to complete a detailed application form and are then interviewed for the positions. Those successful are recruited to form Fairfield's Mini-Police team. They are issued with their own personal uniform and meet weekly, after-school. The team focus on raising the profile of key issues both in school and the local community. They delver assemblies, patrol the community and attend key meetings with Cumbria Constabulary to feedback findings and/or offer support/suggestions. 

The Mini-Police is a fun and innovative Police engagement programme aimed at children aged 9-11 years old. The objective is to provide a fun and interactive way to introduce children to a positive experience of policing and to get them involved in the local community.

The wider aims include building trust and with communities, promoting responsible citizenship, and a sense of social responsibility, improving relationships between the Police and young people. The programme operates a corporate and structured delivery platform which involves early intervention, the delivery of safety messages, preventative education and long-term problem solving. The Mini-Police officers not only assist the Police service, but they also carry that ownership and pride back into the Cockermouth community.

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