Fairfield Primary School

Home-School Agreement

Our Vision

With a sense of belonging, children will embark on a journey of discovery embedded in a school that is holistic, forward thinking, research informed and where all staff are committed to maintaining high expectations equipping all children to excel and thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

Our Mission

We provide an inclusive and nurturing learning environment where a high-quality curriculum, diverse enrichment opportunities, and personalised development empowers every child to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Our Aims

We put the development of our pupils at the heart of everything we do. We will do this through an exciting and challenging curriculum using courageous and innovative teaching practices both in and outside of the classroom. We will support our pupils every step of the way to help them achieve more than they ever thought possible.

We will grow confident learners providing our pupils with a range of skills that enable them to adapt and succeed both inside and outside the classroom. By laying firm foundations pupils will be equipped with a full range of practical and emotional abilities, ultimately creating confident and inquisitive individuals with a life-long love for learning.

We use our unique location on the edge of the Lake District to our full advantage, developing pupils who love the outdoors, are knowledgeable about the environment and become engaged with their community.

Our Ethos

Our school shall be a place where individual voices are encouraged and valued, together forming a collaborative community where all pupils, staff, parents and governors work together to bring out the very best in each other. Respectful, tolerant and brave, our pupils will have the confidence and resilience to encourage each other to overcome adversity and speak out for what is right.

What Families Can Expect from School:

Families can expect Fairfield Primary School to provide:

  • care and support for your child’s safety and wellbeing
  • a high standard of education through the use of a fun, rich and varied curriculum
  • a stimulating and challenging learning environment
  • the support to allow your child(ren) to fulfil their potential

All adults working within the school will:

  • treat children fairly with care, courtesy and kindness
  • use a range of non-verbal and verbal cues to encourage good behaviour and limit inappropriate behaviour
  • be approachable and listen to them at appropriate times
  • always take seriously any complaints of bullying or inappropriate behaviour witnessed or reported to them
  • set high expectations, clear boundaries and regularly agree classroom and behaviour expectations
  • model the behaviours they wish to see.

What School Expects from Children

School expects children to:

  • follow classroom rules and procedures and not disrupt the learning of other children
  • care for the school, classroom and resources, respecting others’ property
  • lead by example creating a good role model for our very young children in the school
  • accept responsibility for their behaviour
  • consider the needs of all the other people in the classroom
  • use ICT in accordance with school procedures and our e-safety policy
  • report to a teacher or other adult any bullying behaviour by others including bullying with the use of technology (cyber bullying)
  • be ambassadors for the school
  • respect other children’s culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values
  • be responsible for their school and home work
  • be kind and speak politely to everyone in school
  • tell a member of staff if they are worried or unhappy.

What School Expects from Parents/Carers

School expects parents/carers to:

  • treat staff and other adults in the school with respect
  • treat other parents, children and visitors to the school with respect
  • ensure that their child arrives at school on time
  • ensure that their child attends school regularly and contacts the school in the event of an absence or lateness
  • encourage their child to have high standards of behaviour in and out of school
  • let the school know of any concerns or worries that may be affecting my child’s learning, behaviour or ability to do homework, as this can then be resolved quickly
  • attend meetings with my child’s teacher and other staff, aiming to be positive and productive, working towards moving my child on in their learning
  • support and work with us to ensure that the behaviour management policies of the school are maintained
  • read all information sent home as this gives me important details of relevant policies, meetings, workshops, activities, newsletters and open days.

Home-School Agreement