Here at Fairfield Primary School, our pupils are encouraged to strengthen their learning through learning at home.

Learning can be supported by the online programs listed below- some of which children have a separate login for. If your child does not have, or have lost their password, please inform the school or their class teacher.

As well as these links, the 'How to' Videos page contains useful tutorials from our staff, showing the children how to solve different arithmetic questions in mathematics. Moreover, our 'SPaG and Writing' page contains a helpful guide to understanding the key terms (with examples).

Education City

TT Rock Stars

BBC Bitesize KS1

This is an educational resource that we us to support all curriculum learning.

Times table rock stars is a carefully sequenced program of daily times table practice.

A useful link to help pupils in KS1 with learning across the curriculum. 

BBC Bitesize KS2

Top Marks


A useful link to help pupils in KS2 with learning across the curriculum. There are helpful pages for Year 6 revision in preparation for SATs.

This resource provides fun, free educational activities for children to enjoy.

Mathsframe has more than 200 interactive Maths games for KS2 pupils.