Religious Education Curriculum Statement
At Fairfield Primary School, we aim to provide our pupils with a broad, balanced, spiritual, moral, cultural and knowledge-based Religious Education (RE) curriculum in which every child will be able to achieve an insight into the nature of different faiths, beliefs and worldviews. This understanding then underpins the children’s confidence to question ideas and make links to their own experiences and opinions, enabling them to grow into confident, caring and respectful members of our community.
We endeavour to create an atmosphere in which every child feels secure in their own beliefs and has respect for the beliefs of others, whilst acknowledging the broadly Christian tradition of the country. We feel that all children have the right to discuss the elements of their own faith, the faith of others and the ideas of those who have no religious beliefs in a free atmosphere that promotes openness, fairness and mutual respect.
RE in school aims to support children to:
- have a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible;
- become aware of themselves as individuals, within the school and wider community;
- develop their spiritual awareness and respect for the opinions of others;
- demonstrate empathy with others from an understanding of their faith/beliefs/ customs and cultures;
- develop skills and attitudes that will support their personal, moral, social and cultural development;
- ask deep and meaningful questions;
- make connections within and across faiths, beliefs and world views.
Building on from Early Years work about their understanding the world, we support children to develop the skills they need to question, discuss and compare different answers to ‘big’ human questions. We believe that the skills we equip children with, will enable them to go into the world as curious, independent and thoughtful thinkers, who have the knowledge and understanding of a range of faiths, beliefs and other world views that enables them to develop their own ideas, values and identities so they can participate positively in our diverse society.
At Fairfield, we follow the Cumbrian agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2023).